Saturday, January 23, 2010

in case you didn't know...

Real Estate from New Jersey are a gem of a band. They have had their self-titled album out for a few months and have received awesome reviews from a multitude of publications. Reverb drapes over the vocals and guitars giving weight to the lyrics that tell beautiful stories of syrupy suburban summers, treasure hunts ("what you find ain't what you had in mind"), and the soothing effect that nature can have on our psyche. All the while guitar strings dance and blend behind the melody, as if in rhythm with the flickering flames on the wick of that old tiki torch you bought at World Market some odd years ago and never used. Now's the time to bring it out, light it up, and call some friends over to enjoy life before it starts to get hectic again. Real Estate's self-titled album...

sounds like the comforting nostalgia that comes with putting your ear up to a sea shell,

tastes like ice-cold soda on the beach after playing in the surf for hours (salty yet quenching),

feels like wet sand on a hot day,

smells like the Atlantic Ocean,

looks like those moments that people say flash before your eyes just before you die...

check out the album here for yourself and enjoy!

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